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Financial Support for Regional Network Activities

The Childwatch International Board has decided to allocate some financial resources for regional network activities in 2009. The regional networks have planned activities that support participation or representation at the Children's Rights at the Cross-Roads conference at the end of the year.

Most of this year's Childwatch activity budget will be spent on the Children's Rights at the Cross-Roads conference coming up at the end of the year. Few resources have been made available for any other network activities. In spite of this, the Board has decided that the regional networks should receive small grants to carry through their planned activities, also in 2009.

The regional networks play a central role in the strategy of Childwatch International for supporting capacity building and sharing of ideas and resources. The proximity of the partner researchers and institutions and closeness in challenges and research questions make regional networks a useful tool for the network in its work to reach its goals set in the strategic plan.

The regional networks are planning activities that range from regional seminars with training components to smaller planning meetings to be held during the Addis Ababa conference. A condition set by the Board is that the money is spent according to the Childwatch Internationals strategy, and that it incorporates elements relating to facilitating cooperation between researchers, policy makers and practitioners. The regional networks should make sure to include the perspectives of the Key Institutions in the region, and to open for participation by researchers and other stake holders outside of the Childwatch network.

The regional networks will be reporting to the Childwatch International Research Network Key Institutions Assembly 3 - 4 December this year.



Tags: ["regional network", "funding", "network strategy", "Children's Rights at a Cross-Roads", "key institutions assembly"]
Published May 19, 2009 1:11 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:06 PM
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