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Network Assembly and Global Conference Open for Registration

Childwatch International takes advantage of the highly relevant and timely Children's Rights at a Cross-Roads Conference, and organizes its tri-annual Key Institutions Assembly in Addis Ababa during two days following the global conference. The events take place 30 November - 2 December and 3 - 4 December respectively. The Conference and Assembly web sites have opened for registering participation. Deadline for both events is 6 November.

The Children's Rights at a Cross-Roads conference gathers experts from all sectors to discuss the role of research in the implementation of children's rights. It is a working conference aimed at developing a set of clear recommendations about the production and use of research, with a focus on the need for improved collaboration between the sectors involved. See more information and register as participant on the conference web site.

The Key Institutions Assembly is a closed meeting for representatives of the Childwatch International Research Network member institutions. The Assembly will discuss and plan for the network's coming three-year period, based on the recommendations and discussions in the Cross-Roads conference. The Assembly will also elect a new Board. Each institutiton may send two representatives to the Assembly. To register, please fill in the online registration form.



Tags: ["Children's Rights at a Cross-Roads", "Key Institutions Assembly"]
Published Oct. 12, 2009 10:27 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:06 PM
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