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Opportunities and challenges in promoting policy- and practice-relevant knowledge on child rights

This paper from Overseas Development Institute analyses the linkages between knowledge and policy in child rights issues in order to supplement current partial understanding of these dynamics in the sector. The ultimate aim of the paper is to safeguard children’s rights by presenting frameworks and lessons through which to promote the appropriate design of rights strategies.

This paper was originally published with the African Child Policy Forum, Childwatch International Research Network and UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre as background paper for the conference "Children's rights at a Cross-Roads" organised in Addis Ababa November 30th - December 2nd 2009. A first draft of the paper was shared with the participants in the conference.
ODI Working Paper 318.ISBN: 978 1 90728827 2
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Tags: ["children's rights", "policy development"]
Published July 29, 2010 1:33 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:35 PM