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No Data - No Progress: Country Findings

Data Collection in Countries Participating in the Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005–2015. Without comprehensive data to evaluate government efforts and guide policies, the situation of Roma - a group already on the margins of Europe- is likely to remain dire. Source:Open Society Foundations

The lack of data about Roma communities remains the biggest obstacle to conducting any thorough assessment of how governments are meeting their Decade commitmentsThe stark gaps in data revealed in this report are a call to governments to make a serious, concerted effort to reduce the Roma data deficit before the Decade has passed. No Data—No Progress offers 11 concrete, achievable measures that policymakers at the national and international levels can act upon in the next 18 months.

Link to the report

Tags: ["roma", "data collection"] By Katy Negrin, Christina McDonald
Published Oct. 6, 2010 2:33 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:35 PM