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Early Childhood in Developing World Contexts

The two-day international conference on global childhoods will be held at University College Cork on the 7th and 8th April, 2011. The overall aim of the conference is to deepen understanding of children’s lives in developing country contexts, drawing attention to early childhood development in the majority world and the importance of including local traditions, culture and knowledge in professional practice.

Deadline for submitting abstracts:  3rd December 2010

Current discourses on early childhood in a global context will be examined and debated. In particular, the conference will explore the localised contexts of childhood and challenge the euro-centric perspective which current research and practice largely offers. Researchers, policy makers and practioners will come together to build on their experiences and knowledge and to contribute to current debates on appropriate polices and professional practices in Early Years Care and Education. 

Link to the conference website


Tags: ["early childhood", "education", "conference 2011", "development"]
Published Oct. 5, 2010 9:39 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:36 PM