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Business & Children Portal

A new portal focused on links between business and children’s rights has been launched by the non-profit Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. This joint initiative by UNICEF, UN Global Compact and Save the Children aims to develop a set of principles offering concrete guidance on what business can do to respect and support children’s rights. The draft principles are open for public comment until 15 July 2011.

Features of the portal include:

  • Issues: Brief introductions to subjects such as child labour, dangerous products, education, forced labour, pollution damaging health, pregnancy discrimination, sexual exploitation and trafficking, followed by links to relevant news and reports
  • International standards relating to children’s rights and business
  • Positive initiatives
  • Alleged abuses
  • Lawsuits against companies
  • Practical guidance

Link to the Business and Children Portal

Tags: ["children's rights", "business", "child labour"]
Published June 15, 2011 10:21 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:36 PM