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Global campaign for prevention of abuse and violence against children and youth

After 10 years of campaigning to annually mark the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse – 19 November and building an international coalition of actors and partners, the time has come to expand our outreach by launching the WWSF 19 Days of activism global campaign 1-19 November.

Aims of the 19-Day campaign:
By focusing during 19 days on the prevention of diverse types of abuse and violence against children and youth, the campaign aims to continue to bring to light the alarming problem, its multifaceted aspects, and the need to generate sufficient grass-roots interest and government and public support for better prevention measures.

Link to the Campaign Website

Tags: ["violence against children", "campaign"]
Published Aug. 9, 2011 8:26 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:40 PM