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Social Work Education The International Journal

Volume 29 Issue 8 2010: Social Work Education in Asia: New Horizons The articles in this issue focus on the growth of social work education. They have also brought out the challenges faced by social work educators in their respective countries. Some authors have argued for re-focusing of target groups; some would like greater attention to be paid to social change and more work with the marginalized and those facing abuse of their human rights.

The overarching theme seems to be indigenization of practice based on a social- and culture-specific context. International collaboration in the Asian region could be an interesting example of such a trend. Respect for diversity and indigenous practice emerges as an important value for students from the developed world studying in developing countries. While advocating for international social work development, the authors also stress that social work educators in developing countries must not neglect their local development needs at the cost of internationalizing their curricula. So, 'Think Global and Act Local' is the slogan. How one balances the pressures to indigenize a Western-oriented curriculum and yet open doors to international collaborations is a challenge facing social work education in the Asian context.

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Tags: ["journal", "Social Work", "Asia", "development studies"]
Published Jan. 12, 2011 12:38 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:43 PM