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Local Politics, Global Impacts: Steps to a Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Scales

The University of Chicago and the French Development Agency are pleased to announce this one and one half day conference to be held in Paris, France  Jun 14, - 15, 2012.

Call for paper proposals, deadline 15th February 2012.

We call for papers that investigate domestic power relations, how local interest games generate international impacts, through what channels and mechanisms these impacts emerge, how local politics is redefined by global networks and discourses and whether current forms of international cooperation and global governance regimes are well or ill-adapted to these challenges.

Possible research subjects may include, but are not limited to, the epistemology of scale analysis, climate change, environmental protection, global health, food security, financial crisis, international security, social violence in fragile states, the international trade in narcotics, human trafficking, terrorism, and money laundering.

The organizers welcome contributions from scholars in all fields of the social sciences, including economics, anthropology, political science, philosophy or sociology, who include in their research agenda efforts to  analyze the interaction of local and global issues and interest groups.

Tags: ["conference 2012", "Globalisation", "environment", "Health Policy Research", "financial crisis", "security", "trafficking"]
Published Jan. 24, 2012 9:18 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:45 PM