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Children and the Capability Approach

This collection places childrens issues at the centre of understandings of human development. Using Amartya Sens "Capability Approach", the contributors to this book draw on new tools and theoretical perspectives to understand the role of children in human development.

Looking at a wide range of themes including child poverty, microfinance, disability, education, the built environment, the role of emotions and promoting children's active participation, this study furthers the capability approach as a key theoretical perpsective in understanding children and development. 

'This landmark book opens up children's capabilites as an entirely new field. Combining illuminating theoretical discussion and a wide range of interesting international case studies, the book establishes how we can do much more to recognise children in the conceptual vocabulary of the capability approach. It thus orients us towards better social research and practice with and for children.'
- Elaine Unterhalter, Professor of Education and International Development, Institute of Education, #University of London, UK

Tags: ["child poverty", "microfinance", "disability", "education", "the built environment", "the role of emotions"] By Mario Biggeri, Flavio Comim, Jerome Ballet
Published Apr. 27, 2012 11:04 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:46 PM