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Children's Measurement Framework in Great Britain

The Children's Measurement Framework (CMF) is a new set of indicators in Great Britain to monitor and report on the equality and human rights position of children and young people in the constituent countries of England, Scotland and Wales.

The CMF has been developed to assist the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the body given a statutory duty by the Equality Act (2006) to promote equality and protect human rights in England, Scotland and Wales, as well as specific duties to report to Parliament on progress towards equality and human rights using indicators. The CMF will also assist the EHRC with its responsibilities as a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) to promote international human rights norms, such as the standards codified in the UN Convention on Rights of the Child.

The CMF has its conceptual roots in Amartya Sen’s idea of capabilities - that is, in substantive freedoms and opportunities: the central and valuable things in life that people can actually do and be. The Framework makes use of a list of critical areas of life (a so-called capability list) against which the equality and human rights position of children and young people can be evaluated and appraised.

Download the latest Child Policy Insights on The Children's Measurement Framework (CMF)




Tags: ["child policy", "measurement", "indicators", "Great Britain", "Amartya Sen", "England", "Scotland", "Wales", "human rights", "children's rights"]
Published July 4, 2012 3:13 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:13 PM