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Early Childhood in Focus: Healthy Environments

The Bernard Van Leer Foundation presents the 8th publication of the Early Childhood in Focus series, which looks at the topic of Healthy Environments.

Publication date: 09/2012

Pages: 56

Textbooks typically give much less attention to the physical environment in which children grow up than to their social environment, yet the physical environment is intimately linked to the process of growth and development of skills and identity. Section 1 of this issue of Early Childhood in Focus draws attention to some key global challenges in providing healthy physical environments. Section 2 explores the opportunities and challenges of living in urban environments. Section 3 reviews a range of spaces designed specifically for young children, including innovative ‘democratic spaces’, and ‘child-friendly spaces’ in areas affected by disasters and emergencies.


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Tags: ["children's health", "environments", "urban environments", "emergencies", "disasters", "child-friendly spaces"] By Liz Brooker, Martin Woodhead (eds)
Published Sep. 24, 2012 9:24 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:14 PM