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New Book: Sociology, Youth and Youth Work Practice

How can sociology inform our understanding of young people's experiences? Introducing core theories by drawing on a range of cultural resources - from pioneering research to genre-defining films - this book demonstrates how a sociological imagination can enhance informal educational and social welfare approaches to work with young people.


Part of the Series Working with Young People


Sociology Matters: Sociological Perspectives and Young People

Growing Up in the Present: From 1945 to the 2000s 

Growing Up in Public and Private: Youth, Transition and Identity-making
Being Similar and Different: Young People and Social Difference
Being Social: Complying and Transgressing
Being Somewhere: Youth, Space and Place
Living in a World of Change and Constancy: Globalisation, Citizenship and Young People
Does Sociology Matter?

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Tags: ["sociology", "youth", "youth work", "citizenship"] By Dr. Simon Bradford
Published Sep. 25, 2012 11:42 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:17 PM