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ISDR: Children’s action for disaster risk reduction: views from children in Asia

The aim of the publication is to provide children and youth in Asia a platform to report on progress made towards these commitments from their own point of view. It documents the perspective of children from seven Asia countries on how disasters and climate change affects their lives and their rights. The report also supports the implementation of the Children's Charter for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Publisher: International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR)

This report indicates that Asian children and youth have been involved in hazard mapping, raising awareness through radio and games, as well as influencing other children, their teachers, parents and communities on how to reduce the effects of disasters. The report underscores that children should not be seen only as victims in disasters, though they are vulnerable and face particular risks to their health, protection, access to education and nutrition. 

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Tags: ["climate change", "disasters", "child rights", "children's participation", "health", "protection", "education", "Asia", "raising awareness"]
Published Oct. 29, 2012 12:58 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:18 PM