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"Children and Youth in a Changing World"

The principal aim of  the 2012 Inter-Congress of International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciencesis is to offer anthropologists in academia, governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations and agencies working on and with children from different parts of the world  a common platform to address various emerging issues relating to children and childhood.

Time and place: Nov 26 - 30, 2012, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India 

Submission of abstracts, deadline May 1, 2012

Long treated as of minor importance within anthropology, the study of childhood has blossomed in the last decade. Scholars interested in human evolution now acknowledge the importance of studying the role of culture and biology in shaping the life course. There is renewed interest in understanding culturally marked transitions and stages in children’s development. From analyses of the allomothering of the young to the study of rites of passage—both traditional and modern—anthropologists are re-examining and overturning many widely held asumptions about human development. While cross-cultural studies of children’s play have a respectable history yielding a large corpus of material, there has been a recent explosion in ethnographic studies of children at work. Work is now seen as a central organizer of children’s movement from toddler to competent adult.

Tags: ["conference 2012", "anthropology", "ethnology", "childhood studies"]
Published Feb. 15, 2012 9:45 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:49 PM