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Development Analyst/Writer, Post-2015 Inequalities Global Consultation

UN Women and UNICEF are co-leading a consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda.  This consultation is part of a bigger process to bring together a broad range of stakeholders to review progress on the MDGs and to discuss the options for a new framework.

Under the immediate guidance of the UNICEF and UN Women Consultation Core Team, and with further guidance from the Advisory Group for the Inequalities Consultation:

The Assignment is to write a report synthesizing the key findings and analysis contained in a selection of the submitted Papers: a) in each of the 8 – 10 categories/sub-themes, and b) as a coherent and comprehensive whole, together with the main ideas and recommendations emerging from the on-line “global conversation” that takes place on-line through various consultation methods. The consultant may also draw on other sources of information including previously published reports, academic papers, relevant meetings, etc. that touch on the issue of inequalities.

The Inequalities Consultation will have three major components:

1.       Commissioning of papers to kick off the online discussions and also for publication and presentation at the leadership meeting. There will be 8 – 10 sub-themes or categories of papers (in progress);

2.       A “global conversation” on inequalities that will take place over several months and leverage technology and social media to engage stakeholders;

3.       A limited participation leadership meeting/conference in Q1 2013 (approximately 40 high level participants).


The consultant will progressively update and refine the synthesis in a Report, including draft recommendations for how Inequalities could best be reflected in the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Goals Framework. This Report will go through several versions. The consultant will refine and update the Report based on: a) comments provided on each draft by the members of the Advisory Group, and from others; and b) further materials and ideas from the ongoing on-line discussions.


The consultant will provide a final version of the Report following the leadership meeting, drawing on and reflecting the technical-level and high-level discussions at the meeting, for which the draft final version will provide a basis.


The consultant will also advise on the quality of the submitted papers, indicating which are among the best for further compilation, dissemination and other uses, including in other thematic consultative processes and compile a brief note detailing the content of the papers selected.


Tags: ["consultation", "inequality", "unicef", "UN", "millenium development goals"]
Published Aug. 27, 2012 12:17 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:19 PM