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Innocenti Research Centre has launched its latest edition of Research Watch - Post MDGs: What next and how? - on its website. This takes various issues and consists of a video of a Debate, a set of written Commentaries and further links and readings on the topic, with contributions from experts on the drafting of the original MDGs (eg. Vandemoortele) and on the various issues to be included in the next set of goals.


Research Watch latest edition:

Commentary - A list of articles and further readings on the topic from the experts.

The Millennium Development Goals are set to expire in 2015. What's next? A lively debate with Amina Az-Zubair, former Special Assistant to the Nigerian President on MDGs; Naila Kabeer, Prof of Development Studies at SOAS; and Claire Melamed, Head of Growth, Poverty and Inequality Programme at ODI.
Tags: ["millenium development goals", "Unicef", "Innocenti Research Centre"]
Published June 29, 2012 1:06 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:21 PM