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Global Teleseminar on Youth, Governance, Peace-building and the Role of Social Media

Global Teleseminar on Youth, Governance, Peace-building and the Role of Social Media, June 26-27, 2012, University of Victoria, Canada and online via a 48-hour Global Teleseminar.

Date: 26-27 June 2012

Location: University of Victoria, Canada and online via a 48-hour Global Teleseminar.

The event, hosted by the Centre for Global Studies (CFGS) and the International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD), seeks to share the global experience of young peoples’ use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT)/social media and other collaborative technologies to influence local, national, regional and international systems of governance and to affect peace-building and young citizen engagement. 

Youth-led organizations are invited along with UN agencies, government leaders, academics, research institutions and other experts to a 2 day seminar to share experiences, connect networks, and examine present and future youth-led governance trends from different regions of the world. Key presenters during the 2 days will include:

  • Ravi Karkara, UN Habitat, Youth 21
  • Don Popo, Colombian Hip Hop Artist and Founder of La Familia Araya
  • Canadian Indigenous youth leaders
  • Karim Kisma, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Egyptian youth leader
  • Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
  • Mekong Youth Net
  • UN representatives
  • Jon Ramer, Compassion Action Network, Alison Ramer, Grassroots Jerusalem
  • Phil Lane Jr., Deloria ManyGrey Horses, Four Worlds International Institute


In addition to the group of delegates who will be physically present in Victoria,  other interested persons will be engaged via the teleseminar social conferencing platform

The seminar will launch the Young Partners in Development community of practice network.



Tags: ["youth", "governance", "peace-building", "network"]
Published June 13, 2012 1:41 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:22 PM