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Transnational migration and global development, phd-conference

Motivations for, and modes of migration are diverse and often overlapping: from voluntary labor migration to family migration to forced migration due to climate change, lack of food security, war, or ethnic and religious conflict. Common to all forms of migration, though, is that the economic, social and cultural relations in both sending and destination countries are altered as a result.

Deadline for submitting the application form is 15th February 2012.

Where and when: Bergen, Norway 20 - 22 June 2012

How does this happen, and what is the impact for both the individuals involved and society at large? We believe that a transnational lens on these questions will help us better understand their dynamics and effects. This means, concretely, that we aim to transcend typical divides between development researchers specializing on countries in the South and migration researchers specializing on countries in the North. A transnational lens on migration means that we (in studies of migrants and/or the effects of immigration and emigration in specific localities, regions or countries) are sensitive to how transnational flows of money, culture and social relations influence migrants' adaptation and imagination as well as states' and regions' political regulation of migration across the South - North divide.

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Tags: ["conference 2012", "migration"]
Published Jan. 23, 2012 2:13 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:51 PM