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Unicef publishes its latest Research Report Card 10/ Measuring Child Poverty

This is the latest instalment of the UNICEF Office of Research Report Card series, aimed at focusing on the well-being of children in industrialized countries. It considers two views of child poverty in member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): a measure of absolute deprivation, and a measure of relative poverty. Find full report here.

The two measures, though separate in concept, highlight significant
disparities in the living conditions of children. Of the countries
surveyed, around 15% of children are considered “deprived” and a similar
proportion live below their national poverty line.

This report card argues that accurate and timely monitoring of child
poverty and deprivation is crucial for gauging what is happening to
vulnerable children now. It argues that even during times of economic
hardship, with the right evidence-based policies, it is possible to
protect vulnerable children.

It is UNICEF’s hope that this comparative snapshot of child poverty will
help steer industrialized countries to keep working towards that
important goal.

Download the full report

Tags: ["child poverty", "Unicef", "Research report", "report card series"]
Published May 30, 2012 1:33 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:51 PM