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What's New In Research?

PEPFAR has partnered with The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), South Africa to produce What's New in Research? - a monthly newsletter that will alert readers to new scientific publications. The newsletter focuses on relevant, evidence-based applied science about children affected by HIV and AIDS, policy research, tests of effectiveness, rigorous program evaluation, and cost analysis. 

What's New in Research? is an effort to make existing research more visible and accessible, and to encourage further research activities in the field of Orphans and Vulnerable Children.


Reviewed in this edition of What’s New in Research?

Early impacts of orphaning: Health, nutrition and food insecurity in a cohort of school- going adolescents in South Africa

Challenging household dynamics: Impact of orphanhood, parental absence, and children’s living arrangements on education in South Africa

Influences of family structure dynamics on sexual debut in Africa: Implications for research, practice and policies in reproductive health and social development

Child mobility, maternal status, and household composition in rural South Africa

Family functioning and coping styles in families of children with cancer and HIV disease

Agents of support: Intra-generational relationships and the role of agency in the support networks of child-headed households in Zambia


Download this month's newsletter

Tags: ["research", "children", "HIV", "Aids", "Africa", "evaluation", "evidence-based"]
Published Sep. 3, 2012 10:23 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:23 PM