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V World Congress on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent - Childhood, Youth and Social Change

The Fifth World Congress will concentrate on childhood and youth and the processes of social change.

Date: 15-19 October 2012

Place: San Juan, Argentina

Live online transmission: 18 October 2012 (6:30 Cd. Mexico y Bogotá; 7:00 Am en Caracas; 7:30 Santiago; 9:30 Río de Janeiro). 

Website (English, Spanish, French):

Argentina was designated Venue of the "V World Congress for the Rights of Children and Adolescents" application submitted by the Parliamentary Forum for Children in the REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA, at the "Fourth World Congress for the Rights of Children and Adolescents" San Juan de Puerto Rico, between 15 and 18 November 2010.

The panel will be composed by Alejandro Acosta Childwatch - CINDE; Ernesto Durán, Observatorio sobre Infancia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Helia Molina, Universidad Católica de Chile, former director of the technical secretariat of the programme “Chile Crece Contigo”; Alicia Canetti Coordinator of the Centro Universitario de Infancia y Pobreza (C.I.I.P.) Universidad de la República del Uruguay; Alberto Minujin, director of Equidad para la Infancia / Equity for Children – New School University. Commentator: Alberto Cimadamore Director CROP

For more news on the Latin American Network please check their website: Latin American Network Website


Tags: ["childhood", "youth", "social change", "poverty", "congress"]
Published Oct. 16, 2012 10:03 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:23 PM