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2013 - Page 5

Published July 1, 2013 4:21 PM

Global Studies of Childhood (GSC) is a peer-reviewed, internationally focused, online research journal. The journal provides an opportunity for researchers, university and college students and professionals who are interested in issues associated with childhood in education, family, and community contexts from a global perspective to present, share and discuss their work. Check out the latest volume: Volume 3 Number 2 2013

Published July 1, 2013 4:10 PM

The Lancet has long been a champion of global health research and the new online only journal follows this tradition by publishing high-quality original research, commentary, correspondence and blogs with direct relevance to practitioners and communities in low- and middle-income countries.

Published June 28, 2013 6:08 PM

Recent paper entitled, “Children, Adolescents and Intra-Urban Inequalities in Latin America and the Caribbean,” by Diego Born, Victoria Colamarco, Enrique Delamonica, and Alberto Minujin is now available online in preparation of several issues that will be discussed at the July 3-4 seminar "Urban Inequalities in Childhood and Adolescence: Urban Social and Political Rights”.

Published June 28, 2013 5:53 PM

On the one year anniversary of  the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference, UNICEF is releasing Sustainable development starts and ends with safe, healthy and well-educated children to help make the case that investments in the health, growth and safety of children should be placed at the heart of the world’s post-2015 approach to achieving a sustainable world of progress for all.

Published June 28, 2013 4:32 PM

Join The Berard Van Leer Foundation for the first Early Childhood Matters webinar on early learning among 0-3 age group. This webinar will feature brief presentations and Q&A opportunities with three authors of articles in this Early Childhood Matters: Joan Lombardi, Orazio Attanasio and Chiara Servili.

Published June 28, 2013 3:34 PM

Discussion Paper Series 09/13 from the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CREAM). Authors: Jaap Dronkers (Maastricht University) and Matthijs Kalmijn (University of Amsterdam). This paper addresses both the occurrence of single-motherhood among migrant mothers in OECD countries and the effect of living in a single-mother family on the math scores of 15-year old migrant pupils in OECD countries

Published June 18, 2013 11:42 AM

The goal of the European Evaluation Society is to stimulate and promote theory, practice, and utilization of high quality evaluation especially, but not exclusively, within Europe. This goal is obtained by bringing together academics and practitioners from all over Europe and from different professional sectors, thus creating a forum where all participants can benefit from the co-operation and bridge building opportunities of the EES.

Published June 18, 2013 11:14 AM

This project aims to bring together a range of disciplines – child care professionals, historians, archivists, sociologists, information technologists – alongside care leavers, to explore and understand the barriers and issues in tracing information and accessing records. These workshops will identify the practical, technical, policy and legislative issues which need to be addressed.

Published June 18, 2013 10:48 AM

Call for Abstracts and Invitation to Register: Optentia Research Programme at the Vanderbijlpark Campus of North-West University is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the 2nd South African Symposium on Positive Social Sciences 2013: Towards Thriving Youth on 28-29 October 2013 in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. Workshops will be presented on 30 October 2013.

Published June 11, 2013 12:22 PM

Five years ago, the launch of the Maternal and Child Undernutrution Series of The Lancet launched a global effort to put nutrition on the global agenda. 2013 has seen a series global and national actions taking place to address human nutrition and child health. This current Lancet Series re-evalates the national progress in nutrition programmes and international efforts toward previous recommendations.

Published June 10, 2013 6:17 PM

This paper is one of a series of papers in a research project, The Power of Numbers: A Critical Review of MDG Targets for Human Development and Human Rights. Motivated by a concern with the consequences of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) beyond the achievement of the 2015 targets, the Project seeks to explore their broader policy and programmatic implications.

Published June 10, 2013 2:31 PM

This paper is one of a series of papers in a research project, The Power of Numbers: A Critical Review of MDG Targets for Human Development and Human Rights. Motivated by a concern with the consequences of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) beyond the achievement of the 2015 targets, the Project seeks to explore their broader policy and programmatic implications.


Published June 10, 2013 12:00 PM

The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) is an evidence-based online platform which was launched in 2013. EPIC is managed by the European Commission and aims to provide information about policies, practices and programmes that can help children and their families face up to the challenges that exist in the current economic climate in Europe.

Published June 3, 2013 4:29 PM

Childwatch International invites nomination of candidates for the Board of the Childwatch International Research Network for the period 2013 – 2016. The Call for Nominations will remain open for a six week period commencing on Monday 3 June and closing on Monday 15 July 2013 to allow all nominations to be submitted for the new 10 member Board.

Published June 3, 2013 2:41 PM

On July 3-4, 2013 Equity for Children and Equidad para la Infancia will co-host an International Seminar on Children and Intra-Urban Inequalities at the Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero in Buenos Aires. The conference will address the rights of children and adolescents in urban settings.