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International Conference on Inclusive Education

Welcome to the first International Conference on Inclusive Education under the banner of Asian Centre for Inclusive Education (ACIE) that is going to be held in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. ACIE is a joint initiative of some academics, scholars and researchers of universities and professional bodies in the Asian region. Its prime objective is to improve access to high quality education of disadvantaged children in Asian countries.

Date: 15 February 2013 to 17 February 2013

Place: Asian Centre for Inclusive Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Visit the website

The Secretarial of the Centre is currently based at the Institute of Education and Research (IER) at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Different universities, professional bodies and individual scholars of Asian region are the members of ACIE. The professionals working in other countries outside Asia (e.g. Australia, Canada and the USA) who have interest in promoting inclusive education in this region are also associated with this centre. 

The aim of the conference is to get an opportunity to share and disseminate ideas, research findings, academic and field-level experiences of different countries to promote inclusive education more effectively. The following are the sub-themes that will be addressed in the conference:

  • Equity, access & social inclusion; 
  • Curriculum and pedagogical reforms for inclusive education; 
  • Teacher education (pre-service and in-service) reforms for education; 
  • Educational leadership, assessment and reflective practice for inclusive education; 
  • Collaborative practices among institutions; 
  • Good practices: case studies of successful inclusive education; 
  • Rehabilitation for inclusive education. 


The Conference is open for academics, practitioners, researchers, students, parents, teachers, NGO-workers, public servants and policy-makers with an interest in promoting inclusive education either in the region or in the globe.

Keynote Speakers:

Professor Chris Forlin, Adjunct Professor Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong 

Professor Roger Slee, Director, The Victoria Institute (Education, diversity & lifelong learning), Victoria University, Australia

Mr. Monsur Ahmed Choudhuri, Member, United Nations Committee on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)

Conference Venue

Bangladesh Institute of Administration and Management (BIAM) campus, Dhaka. This is a national training and management organisation and possess a beautiful campus with training and conference facility.

Contact Details:

Prof. M. Nazmul Haq
Chair of the IE Conference 2013
PD, Asian Centre for Inclusive Education (ACIE)
Web site:
Phone: + 88 01 819 277 497

Tags: ["Conference", "education", "inclusive education", "access", "social inclusion"]
Published Feb. 7, 2013 9:06 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:25 PM