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Adolescent Girls, Cornerstone of Society: Building Evidence and Policies for Inclusive Societies

The book is a collection of papers offering new research and insights into the role and potential agency of adolescent girls in meeting emerging global challenges such as demographic transitions, economic crises, climate change and the expansion of technology and innovations.

The papers were originally presented at the international conference “Adolescent Girls – Cornerstone of Society: Building Evidence and Policies for Inclusive Societies” held in New York in April 2010. The chapters are structured around two clusters of questions. The first cluster is related to current evidence; the second examines most effective policies in support of adolescent girls’ empowerment. This is an Equity for Children publication.

Adolescent Girls, Cornerstone of Society - Full Copy

Tags: ["Adolescent Girls", "Cornerstone of Society: Building Evidence and Policies for Inclusive Societies", "Mima Perisic", "Marina Komarecki", "Alberto Minujin", "The New School", "Publications on Adolescent Girls", "Public Policy and Adolescent Girls", "Gender Equity", "Gender Equality", "Social Inclusion", "Policies for Social Inclusion"] By Marina Komarecki, Mima Perisic, Alberto Minujin
Published Mar. 19, 2013 6:35 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:25 PM