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The Brooks World Poverty Institute (BWPI) at the University of Manchester announces three PhD studentships

The studentships are to fund Doctoral research in any of BWPI’s core themes: Poverty and Social Protection; Global Poverty Reduction—Institutions and Policy; Working out of Poverty; and Urban Poverty, Conflict and Climate Change. The studentships will be available from September 2013. Closing date: Friday 17 May 2013

The studentships will be available from September 2013 and will cover UK/EU tuition fees—and in exceptional cases overseas fees—and a stipend of £13,726per annum (fixed) for three years.  The successful applicants will join a vibrant team of first-rate scholars engaged in understanding global poverty broadly conceived.  They will be expected to play a role in the life of BWPI through their engagement with the full range of Institute’s activities; and they will make a contribution to the research and administration of BWPI.

Each of the successful applicants will normally be supervised by a team of 2 scholars drawn from BWPI’s Directors (Professors Armando Barrientos, David Hulme and Rorden Wilkinson) and Associate Directors (Professors Maia Green, Uma Kothari and Kunal Sen; and Drs Admos Chimowu, Sam Hickey and Stephanie Barrientos) as well as from the wider University community.   The BWPI PhD studentships will be awarded only to students registered, or meeting the registration requirements of either the University of Manchester’s Institute for Development Policy and Management (IDPM) PhD Programme in the School of Environment and Development (SED) or any of the PhD Programmes in the University’s School of Social Sciences (SoSS).  The course of study undertaken by successful candidates conforms to the standard procedures of a PhD programme at the University of Manchester.

Further information about BWPI and our core research programmes can be found at

Enquires about applications should be direct to:

Laura Dobson (SED):

Vicky Barnes (SoSS):

Academic enquires should be directed to Professor Rorden Wilkinson:





Applicants should normally enjoy ‘home’ (UK/EU) tuition fee status. This generally includes UK or EU nationals having resided within the EU or the EEA for 3 years or more prior to starting their course. In some cases nationals of other countries may also enjoy ‘home’ tuition fee status if they satisfy certain residency requirements. Students not qualifying for UK/EU fee status can apply if they can demonstrate they have secured ‘top up’ funds covering the difference between ‘home’ and ‘overseas’ fees.  In exceptional circumstances, the studentships will cover the full cost of overseas fees.

How to Apply

Applications should be made through the University of Manchester’s online application procedure for postgraduate study by Friday 17 May 2013, specifying ‘Brooks World Poverty Institute Studentships’ as the subject of study. 

Information for applications made through IDPM can be found at:

Information for applications made through SoSS can be found at:

What to include

Your completed application should include the following documents:


  • A standard postgraduate application form, submitted online
  • A detailed PhD proposal that outlines your proposed research project and shows how it might be linked to the overall themes of the Institute, details of which can be found on our website:
  • A minimum of two academic references
  • A complete and up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV)
  • A personal statement of no more than 700 words indicating why you would like to undertake this studentship award
  • Transcripts and certificates for all previous degree level qualifications


In section 6 of the online application form, under ‘research title’ please insert ‘Brooks World Poverty Institute Studentships’. This will help us filter applications.

Students will be informed of the outcome of the selection process by 5 July 2013. If you have not been contacted by late July, please assume that you have been unsuccessful on this occasion.

The funding for these studentships is generously provided by the Rory and Elizabeth Brooks Foundation (REBF) and constitutes the first in a new phase of postgraduate education launched by BWPI with the help of the REBF.


Tags: ["Phd Studentships", "University of Manchester", "Brooks World Poverty Institute"]
Published Apr. 25, 2013 3:16 PM - Last modified May 10, 2013 10:47 AM