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CALL FOR PAPERS: Child Maltreatment & Emerging Adulthood: Developmental Outcomes & Service Delivery

Child Maltreatment, the journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, is preparing a special issue on developmental outcomes and service delivery during emerging adulthood.

The purpose of this special issue is to highlight research examining empirical links between child maltreatment and developmental outcomes during emerging adulthood, broadly defined as that period of development from 18 to 25 years of age when young people living in technologically oriented cultures make the transition from adolescence to early adulthood. Developmental outcomes of potential interest include, but are not necessarily limited to:

•Subjective identity
•Emotional stability
•Substance use
•Sexual behavior
•Quality of friendships
•Quality of romantic relationships
•Vocational-educational adjustment
•Quality of family relations
•Financial support
•The transition to independent living
•The transition to marriage
•The transition to parenthood
• Community engagement

Developmental outcomes representing both psychopathology and social competence will be acceptable; and the journal is particularly interested in papers that highlight positive developmental outcomes in the face of early adversity that represent resilience. Reports of research done within survey, case control, and longitudinal designs will be considered. Papers that draw upon the strengths of longitudinal designs with consideration of mediating or moderating influences are preferred. This special issue will also highlight empirical research on service delivery during the transition from child to adult oriented systems of care for young people with a history of child maltreatment. The journal is particularly interested in papers that describe psychosocial intervention and patterns of service utilization for young people leaving the care of the child welfare system.

The deadline for submitting manuscripts is September 2, 2013. All manuscripts submitted for consideration will be subjected to peer review. Full length manuscripts should be limited to 35 double spaced pages, inclusive of tables, figures, and references. Manuscripts should also be formatted according to guidelines outlined in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, and they should be accompanied by a letter requesting the paper be considered for this special issue on emerging adulthood.

Submit your manuscripts online at

Call For Papers: Special issue on Emerging Adulthood

For more information about the journal please go to:


Tags: ["Child Maltreatment Journal", "Call for papers", "emerging adulthood", "development", "youth research"]
Published Apr. 25, 2013 3:18 PM - Last modified May 10, 2013 10:47 AM