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Summer School on International Children's Rights: Leiden and The Hague

The Grotius Centre has announced a new summer course on international children's rights for this summer in close cooperation with Professor Ton Liefaard, Professor of Children's Rights (UNICEF chair) at Leiden Law School and Professor Julia Sloth-Nielsen, University of the Western-Cape, who will coordinate the course.  
Children's Rights at Cross-roads provides a comprehensive children's rights course, which takes a close look at contemporary children's rights issues from a legal perspective accompanied by reflections from other academic disciplines, legal systems, local perceptions and realities.
Leading academic and professional experts in the field of children's rights, international law and other relevant disciplines offer inspiring and interactive lectures, seminars and excursions in and around Leiden Law School.

Course faculty

Professor Jaap Doek (Former Chair UN Committee on the Rights of the Child)

Professor Willliam Schabas (Leiden University & Irish Centre for Human Rights)

Professor Mariëlle Bruning (Leiden University)

Professor Karin Arts (International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University)

Professor Ursula Kilkelly (University College Cork)

Ms.  Tulika Bansal (Danish Institute for Human Rights)

Dr. Thoko Kaime (University of Surrey)

Special Features



  • Seminar with UNICEF & Defence for Children International in the Children’s Rights House
  • Excursion to Youth Institution Teylingereind in Sassenheim
  • Field trip to the International Criminal Court in The Hague
  • Farewell party at the beach in Scheveningen


The classes will be taught in the beautiful premises of the renovated Leiden Obervatory. On Friday 30 August the participants will visit the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Classes will be taught at the Campus The Hague premises that day. The week will be concluded with a dinner party at the beach in Scheveningen.

Course fee 

Professionals pay a fee of €900 (including course materials, excursions, lunches, refreshments and a farewell dinner). Students pay a fee of €750. Leiden University students pay a reduced fee of €400. The course fee can be paid online through Paylogic or by bank transfer.


The provisional programme can be found below. Please contact the Grotius Centre at if you would like to receive further information.


To register, please use the registration form. The deadline for registration is 1 July 2013.


Programme Children's rights at Cross-Roads Summer School 2013.pdf (98,93 KB)



Tags: child law, international law, The Hague, training, summer school, children's rights, Leiden, Grotius Centre
Published May 1, 2013 1:55 PM