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Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Latest News

The latest issue of the Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) newsletter highlights efforts that are underway to better support the work of African ECD Scholars. It provides a brief update of the ECD Scholars Workshop held in Johannesburg in February as well as other reports of advancing ECD research in Africa.

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Inside this newsletter:

  • ECD Scholars Workshop in Johannesburg
  • Retirement of a Tireless Supporter of ECD
  • Advancing ECD Research in Africa– Linking with Communities
  • Liberia’s first ECD Conference
  • Success with Advocacy in Malawi
  • ECDVU family and country updates.

The Early Childhood Development University (ECDVU) is an innovative and multi-faceted approach to addressing Early Childhood Care and Development (ECD) leadership needs in the Majority World. It is a unique training and capacity building program using distributed learning methods including interactive web-based course work as well as face-to-face seminars. ECDVU courses have been delivered as a one year (Professional Certificate and Graduate Diploma) and a three year (Master's degree) program. The ECDVU is a program of the School of Child and Youth Care at the University of Victoria and it is housed within the Unit for Early Years Research and Development (EYRD), a centre committed to effective and innovative work in ECD.

The ECDVU program was founded and is directed by Dr. Alan Pence, UNESCO Chair in Early Childhood Education, Care and Development; Professor, School of Child and Youth Care, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada. For more information about the ECDVU, please send an email to:



Tags: early childhood development, Africa, early childhood care, early childhood, Virtual University, building capacity, University of Victoria, training
Published July 11, 2013 1:15 PM - Last modified July 11, 2013 1:21 PM