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New European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) launched - call for submission of child focused practices being developed or implemented in EU

The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) is an evidence-based online platform which was launched in 2013. EPIC is managed by the European Commission and aims to provide information about policies, practices and programmes that can help children and their families face up to the challenges that exist in the current economic climate in Europe.


The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) is an evidence-based online platform managed by the European Commission’s DG for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, which builds on the work of its predecessor, the European Alliance for Families (EAF). EPIC was launched in early 2013, and follows from the European Commission’s recommendation on ‘Investing in Children- breaking the cycle of disadvantage’. The platform’s unique ‘user registry’ was designed specifically to help policymakers and practitioners share best and innovative practices to help children and their families face up to the challenges created by the economic crisis. The website also features a section on ‘Practices that Work’, including practices that have been shown in evaluations to foster strong families and the reconciliation of work and family life. EPIC is always interested in new practices and contributions from stakeholders– please do not hesitate to submit practices which you are working on!  To do so, please visit the EPIC submissions page or send the team an email.

Practices that Work

This section features two collections of practices being used throughout the European Union: some have been formally evaluated and have demonstrated their effectiveness through rigorous research (Evidence-Based Practice section), and others practices that have not been evaluated and which are being shared in the spirit of collaboration (User Registry). These two registries are designed to complement each other and to provide a comprehensive picture of the most effective practices being used throughout the European Union.

Evidence-Based Practices

Which child focused practices have been shown to be effective in the European Union? This section features practices that have demonstrated their effectiveness through rigorous research.  These practices have been reviewed by a team of experts and summarized in a way that is easy to understand.

Practice User Registry

Which child focused practices are being developed or implemented throughout the European Union?  This section allows visitors to register practices that they are developing or implementing in order to share knowledge with other users.  These practices have not been reviewed for evidence of effectiveness, but instead are posted here to promote information sharing and to support learning across the EU community of practice providers and policymakers.

Contact Information: or visit the website:

Tags: Evidence-Based, European Platform for Investing on Children, Europe, public policy, policy development, best practices, research tools, projects
Published June 10, 2013 12:00 PM - Last modified June 10, 2013 12:07 PM