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7th International Conference on Children's Health and the Environment.

This conference - the seventh after Amsterdam (1998), Washington (2001), London (2004), Vienna (2007), Bangalore (2010) and Poland (2011) offers a world-wide platform dealing with health problems of children caused by important environmental influences.The conference will take place on 20-22 November, 2013 in Jerusalem, Israel. Abstract deadline: 1  August 2013.

The objectives of this conference are, to:
• Provide an international forum for the latest research findings in children’s environmental health;
• Define the relationship between environmental contaminants and children's health;
• Strengthen the importance of prenatal exposure to environmental factors on pregnancy outcome
• Identify opportunities to minimize childhood prenatal / postnatal exposure to environmental contaminants;
• Provide insight in the activities in the field of science and policy interface;
• Build a platform of knowledge at an international level;
• Develop a greater awareness among health professionals about children's health, environment and safety;
• Initiate future directions in research in the field of children's environmental health

Organizing Committee
Peter van den Hazel, the Netherlands (INCHES President)
Yona Amitai, Israel (Chair)
Mati Berkovitch, Israel
Stephan Boese-O’Reilly, Germany
Nadav Davidovich, Israel
Wojciech Hanke, Poland
Giuseppe Mele, Italy
Elizabeth Cherian Paramesh, India
Hagit Ulanovsky, Israel

Scientific Committee
Ruth Etzel, USA (chair)
Martha Berger, USA
Tamar Berman, Israel
Marie-Noel Bruné, WHO
Brenda Eskenazi, USA
Marike Kolossa-Gehring, Germany
Eran Kozer, Israel
Anthony Luder, Israel
Jerome A. Paulson, USA

Who should attend?
This cross-sectional conference is intended for health professionals, scientists and policy makers who have a special interest in children's environmental health, as well as leaders from the private sector, non-governmental organizations and community organizations, and all levels of government.

Date and Location
The conference will take place on 20-22 November, 2013 in Jerusalem, Israel.

The Conference will take place at the Dan Panorama Hotel, Jerusalem.

The Dan Panorama Hotel, Jerusalem
Prima Royale Hotel, Jerusalem

General Information
Language The official language of the conference is English.

Organized by
International Network on Children's Health Environment and Safety (INCHES)
Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
In collaboration with
Israeli Institutions: The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Call for Abstracts


Call for Abstracts until July 31th, 2013 extended until August 1st.
All participants are invited to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation during the conference.
After review by the Scientific Committee, decision on acceptance as a poster or oral presentation will be done.
Abstracts should preferably address the conference themes on Children's Health Environment and Safety:
• Children's health, environment and policies
• Exposure assessment studies
• Epidemiological longitudinal studies (birth cohort studies)
• Health effects due to climate change
• Water related problems
• Obesity
• Heavy metals
• Pesticides
• Air pollution
• Childhood-based cancer causes
• Neurodevelopmental effects of environmental factors
• Endocrine disruptors
• Sustainable development and children's health
• Risk management and risk communication
• Injury and injury prevention
Abstracts have to be submitted by email:


International: WHO, European Environmental Agency, PAIDOSS (the Italian National Observatory on the Health of Children and Adolescence), US-EPA

Tags: environments, International Network on Children's Health, conference, INCHES, Environment and Safety, children's health
Published July 18, 2013 2:31 PM - Last modified Aug. 5, 2013 3:40 PM