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October E-Bulletin of Home: The Child Recovery and Reintegration Network

The latest from research and practice on caring for children and young people affected by sexual exploitation and trafficking across the globe. This bulletin includes reports on Global learning on family reintegration in low and lower-middle income countries, research on factors surrounding the family reintegration of street girls in Kinshasa, DRC and ethical principles for the re/integration of trafficked persons - Experiences from the Balkans

Latest reports and resources 

Reaching for home: Global learning on family reintegration in low and lower-middle income countries. Joanna Wedge for the Interagency Group on Reintegration, 2013

Democratic Republic of Congo: Research on factors surrounding the family reintegration of street girls in Kinshasa, DRC: the search for long-term and durable solutions in the light of ‘multiple stigmatisations’. Mathilde Guntzberger on behalf of Family for EveryChild and commissioned by War Child UK, 2013

Ethical principles for the re/integration of trafficked persons. Experiences from the Balkans. Rebecca Surtees for NEXUS Institute, KBF and GIZ, 2013

Legal services assessment for trafficked children, Cook County, Illinois Case Study. Katherine Kaufka Walts, Linda Rio Reichmann and Catherine Lee, 2013

Still at risk: A review of support for trafficked children. Anita Franklin and Lisa Doyle for The Children’s Society and the Refugee Council, 2013

Looking towards tomorrow: A study on the reintegration of trafficking survivors. Laura Buet for Asha Nepal, Terre des hommes Foundation and Shakti Samuha, 2012


Monitoring and Evaluation Project
We have been developing a toolkit to help organisations monitor and evaluate reintegration programmes for children. This work is being supported by an inter-agency steering group including representatives from EveryChild, Save the Children UK, UNICEF, Retrak and Mkombozi. Read the reports below from the consultation with reintegrated children and young people which was designed to feed into the toolkit.

'Feeling and being a part of something better; Children and young people's perspectives on reintegration. Helen Veitch for Home: The Child Recovery and Reintegration Network, 2013

'Feeling and being a part of something better' (Child-friendly version)


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Tags: Sexual exploitation of children, recovery, child protection, reintegration programe
Published Nov. 7, 2013 11:15 AM