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Launch of India Child Profiles book: Changing Lives in Andhra Pradesh

New book by Young Lives, Changing Lives in Andhra Pradesh: Young Lives Children Growing Up, will be launched at a special event in Hyderabad to be held during Global Education Week 2013.

April 21st 2013, 1pm - 4pm.

This book charts the lives and aspirations of 13 of these children. The stories tell a fascinating tale of how children in Andhra Pradesh see their lives and give us a unique insight into how their lives are changing as they are growing up. They reveal what they think it means to be poor or rich, how they see their families, friends and communities, the importance of education, what is different between their generation and the previous one, and their dreams for the future. Their stories are accompanied by themed boxes that give more detail on the context in which the children are living.

When published, the book will be available to download for free in its entirety and as separate print-friendly PDFs for each child profile.

More details and a full agenda for the event will be posted on the Young Lives website >>

Tags: ["Young Lives", "India", "new book", "poverty", "children growing up", "global education week"]
Published Apr. 10, 2013 10:43 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:30 PM