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The Mental Disability Advocacy Centre is hiring for a two-year project entitled “Access to Justice for Children with Mental Disabilities”.

One of MDAC’s six human rights goals is access to justice. MDAC has been given a grant of 1million EUR from the European Commission carry out a two-year project entitled “Access to Justice for Children with Mental Disabilities”. The purpose of the “Project Manager – Access to Justice” is to manage this project, which aims to ensure access to justice for children with mental disabilities (term used to refer to children with intellectual disabilities and children with psycho-social disabilities), building on existing evidence and guidance relating to children and people with disabilities generally.

Deadline 21 January 2013.

The project addresses access to information, legal representation and assistance (e.g. intermediaries or interpreters), participation of children with mental disabilities in all stages of the legal process, protection of children with mental disabilities in judicial proceedings, privacy issues, and training for the judiciary and other relevant professionals.

a. Development of a methodology for data gathering on access to justice for children with mental disabilities across the EU.
b. Development of standards for access to justice for children with mental disabilities (in relation to protection of privacy, child participation, accessible information about access to justice options, legal assistance, legal representation, protective measures and special assistance) based on relevant research evidence and best available practice across the EU.
c. Development of training and educational materials on access to justice for children with mental disabilities. These packages will be designed to be of relevance and potential use to professional bodies (including the judiciary and the police) and to universities.
d. Advocacy actions to ensure that the methodology, the standards and the training materials are disseminated to and considered by policy-makers and civil society in all Member States, and at the EU level.

The project partnership includes ten university and NGO partners active in the fields of access to justice and/or work with people with mental disabilities in various Member States. The project is supported by an expert panel comprised of people with mental disabilities, their carers and experts from different fields.


Further details are here.

Tags: ["Children with disabilities", "child research", "access to justice", "legal assistance", "public policy", "grant"]
Published Jan. 14, 2013 11:41 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:31 PM