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Reclaiming Lost Childhoods: Developing a web-based data archive and directory of child care services and records in Scotland

This project aims to bring together a range of disciplines – child care professionals, historians, archivists, sociologists, information technologists – alongside care leavers, to explore and understand the barriers and issues in tracing information and accessing records. These workshops will identify the practical, technical, policy and legislative issues which need to be addressed.


Over 480,000 people have experienced care in Scotland since the 1930s, and most are alive today.  Many will have positive experiences of their time in care.  Others, however, will have suffered abuse and neglect.  Care leavers have stressed how important information about care placements and access to records is for their sense of identity.  They have also highlighted the difficulties of tracing this information and accessing records.  Many residential establishments, however, have closed down and information is patchy.  Even where agencies are still operating, records have been lost or are difficult to access.  Information about foster placements is also difficult to find.

This project aims to bring together a range of disciplines – child care professionals, historians, archivists, sociologists, information technologists – alongside care leavers, to explore and understand the barriers and issues in tracing information and accessing records.  

We have identified three key aspects as the focus of three workshops: The Needs of Care Leavers and Survivors of Abuse; Historical Records and Information on Care Services; and Technical Issues in Developing a Web-based Care Archive and Directory.

These workshops will identify the practical, technical, policy and legislative issues which need to be addressed. These will be taken forward in a final event: Developing an Action Plan with the potential impact of driving change to enable an important resource for all care leavers and their families.


Workshop 1:  15 May 2013: Download the Programme for the day.

Workshop 219 June 2013: The workshop will take place on Wednesday 19 June 2013 in the Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Collins Building, University of Strathclyde, 22 Richmond Street, Glasgow G1 1XQ.  Admission is by prior registration only.  To Register for this event, click on the date on the right hand side of the main page. Download the Programme for the day.

Workshop 3: 5 September 2013: The workshop will take place on Thursday 5 September 2013 in the Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Collins Building, University of Strathclyde, 22 Richmond Street, Glasgow G1 1XQ.  Admission is by prior registration only.  To Register for this event, click on the date on the right hand side of the main page. The programme for the day will follow shortly.

Professor Lynn Abrams, Gender History, University of Glasgow
Dr Ruth Emond, School of Applied Social Science, University of Stirling
Neil Gentleman, Scottish Government
Dr Hugh Hagan, National Archives of Scotland
Ms Moyra Hawthorn, CELCIS, University of Strathclyde
Professor Cathy Humphreys, University of Melbourne
Professor Andrew Kendrick, School of Applied Social Sciences, University of Strathclyde
Anne MacDonald, Scottish Government
Hazel Macmillan, Care Leaver
Lorna Paterson, In Care Survivors Service Scotland

Tags: archive, Lost Childhoods, neglect, Scotland, workshop, Children in care, abuse, history
Published June 18, 2013 11:14 AM