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Second Latin American Colloquium on the Politics of Security and Human Rights: 'Focusing on Early Childhood, Childhood and Adolescence'

On March 21-22, 2013, Equidad para la Infancia América Latina is hosting the Second Latin American Colloquium on the Politics of Security and Human Rights: Focusing on Early Childhood, Childhood and Adolescence. The Colloquium will take place on March 21 and 22 in Brazil, on the campus of Pontificia Universidad Católica of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). The Colloquium is directed towards academics, government functionaries, professionals and members of civil society organizations and social movements who work for children’s rights.

Dates / Times: Thursday, March 21, 9:00 to 18:30 and Friday, March 22, 9:30 to 17:30
Location: PUC-Rio, Departamento de Direito. Edifício da Amizade, Ala Frings, 8º andar - Auditório B 8
Address: Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 - Gávea Rio de Janeiro

Participation is free.

For more information (in Portuguese), please click here.

Focuses for Debate

The meeting, promoted by Equidad para la Infancia América Latina, is framed by a regional panorama in which violence takes place on a large scale. In Latin America, 80 thousand children and adolescents die annually from various forms of violence.

The majority of the policies that have been adopted in the region have emphasized repression without tackling the deepest causes of violence, and have not shown any results in terms of decreasing this violence. Further, the protection of human rights, in many cases, yields before the demands for the protection of other rights, such as property rights, resulting in contrasting contents to the idea of “security.”

Among the issues that will be discussed during the meeting, there will be a series of areas that currently have enormous impact on violations of children’s right, including:

  • Police violence in general and public safety and security policies in response to mega events (such as the World Cup and the Olympics).

  • Illegal economies and control of territories; militarization and the struggle against organized crime and narco trafficking.

  • Multiple violences against children, families and communities of indigenous women, black women and women farmers.

  • Naturalized violence. Discrimination and racism; cultural imaginaries, beliefs and patterns that support violent practices.

  • Street children and adolescents. Right to family and community co-existence. Moving poor populations in mass; “social cleaning” (limpieza social) and rights violations.

  • Lowering the age for criminal responsibility.

  • Monitoring and cross-sectorial approaches for policies for the prevention of violence: advances and challenges.

  • Roles of the communication media in the construction of social imaginaries about violence, security and discrimination. Alternative media and local news producers.
Tags: ["Pontificia Universidad Católica of Rio de Janeiro", "PUC-Rio", "Childhood and Adolescence", "Second Latin American Colloquium on the Politics of Security and Human Rights: Focusing on Early Childhood", "Equidad para la Infancia", "Human Rights Conference in Rio de Janeiro Brasil", "Childhood Wellbeing", "Childhood Violence"]
Published Mar. 19, 2013 6:27 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:32 PM