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Summary paper: What are practitioners around the world saying about recovery and reintegration? Emerging themes 'from the frontline'

This brief paper draws on these Q & As to highlight the key themes and emerging trends from those working in the field. These are grouped into 3 sections:

What are the biggest challenges in your everyday work? What do you think works well or is important for children in their recovery and why? What knowledge or information would help you and your colleagues strengthen your work?

Home: The Child Recovery and Reintegration Network ( was launched at the end of 2010.

The Network supports knowledge transfer surrounding the recovery and reintegration of children affected by sexual exploitation and related trafficking globally. To achieve this, the Network facilitates the exchange of tools, research findings, experiences and learning between, and among, practitioners and researchers working worldwide.

The value and overall success of the Network relies on the input and engagement of those working in the field.

Since the launch, the Network Coordinator has been engaging with practitioners across the globe, asking them to share their experiences and learning through a Q & A feature - 'from the frontline' - on the Network's website. Practitioners answer a standard set of questions allowing them to share their experiences, highlights and challenges whilst drawing attention to their own work.

Read the summary paper here

Previous news from Home: The Child Recovery and Reintegration Network:

Report: Assessment Report on Reintegration Support Models for Victims of Trafficking in Viet Nam

Survey on website

Tags: ["Home: The Child Recovery and reintegration Network", "working in the field", "experiences", "practitioners", "networking", "on the frontline", "sharing knowledge", "information"]
Published Apr. 10, 2013 2:09 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:32 PM