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The launch of a new phase in the International Survey of Children's Well-Being (ISCWeB) project

The new wave of data collection of the Children’s Worlds: International Survey of Children’s Well-Being (ISCWeB) was launched in Goethe-University in Frankfurt on 04-05 July 2013.

Supported by the Jacobs Foundation, the project is a world-wide research survey on children’s subjective well-being. The study aims to collect solid and representative data on children’s lives and daily activities, their time use and in particular on their own perceptions and evaluations of their well-being. By studying children’s worlds in as many countries as possible, it hopes to raise awareness of children’s well-being and their life situations and to influence government policies and services.

The survey uses a self-administered questionnaire for children aged 8-12, which has been piloted in the past three years in 17 countries. This new phase of data collection will be held with a representative sample of 15 countries and regions around the world: Algeria, Colombia, England, Estonia, Ethiopia, Germany, Israel, Korea, Nepal, Norway, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Spain, and Turkey. In each country at least 3,000 children will be participating. Data collection will take place in the fall - winter of 2013. All data will eventually be made freely available to researchers on the web.

For more information on the project please contact Tamar Dinisman at tdinisman(at)

Tags: Children's Worlds, international survey, jacobs foundation
Published Sep. 19, 2013 11:12 AM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2013 2:27 PM