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Launch of a new documentary film: a CIESPI-CODENI production "When Home is the Street"

The film was made in conjunction with the CIESPI (Centro Internacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Sobre a Infâncio) project Transforming the Lives of  Children and Adolescents in Situation of the Streets in Rio De Janeiro and Mexico City. It is made in partnership with The Children's Rights Collective, Guadalajara Mexico (Colectivo Pro-Derechos de la Niñez - CODENI)

The process of reintegrating youth, who are living a grim existence on urban streets, into mainstream society requires deep and consistent love and compassion.

Award-winning Brazilian filmmaker Thereza Jessouroun chronicles the realities of young people in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Guadalajara, Mexico who live on the streets.  The film “When Home is the Street” shows how the love of dedicated educators influenced a group of homeless children to leave the streets and restore their opportunities for a meaningful and secure future.  The filmmaker and project researchers boldly ask us to contemplate the humanity of those who are sometimes most invisible among us and to remind us of the transformative role that compassion - within ourselves, our institutions, and our societies – can have in the lives of disadvantaged youth.

The film provides a voice for many children and young adults living in dire conditions of poverty, and aims to look for viable solutions based on the chronicled personal experiences.

This film includes the voices of young people and adults who spenty years on the streets and with professionals who work with street children on a regular basis. They describe experiences where love had a major  impact on them and made possible fundamental changes in their lives. "When Home is the Street" was made by Brazilian documentary filmmaker Theresa Jessouroun, with the support of the Fetzer Institute of Kalamazoo, Michigan USA. The film was first shown in September, 2012 in  Assisi, Italy at the "Global Gathering" organised by the Fetzer Institute (

 The New York premiere of the documentary film "When Home is the Street" is on Wednesday, January 30th at The New School. The event will be introduced by principal researchers of the film from CIESPI and the Fetzer Institute, and will be followed by a brief Q&A panel discussion.


El Centro Internacional de Estudios e Investigaciones sobre la Infancia (CIESPI por sus iniciales en portugués,, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil y CODENI (Colectivo Pro Derechos de la Niñez, A.C.), Guadalajara, México, colaboraron en la producción de un documental de historias de vida de jóvenes que han vivido en las calles en la ciudad de México y Rio de Janeiro.

El documental fue producido por la cineasta brasileña Thereza Jessouroun, y financiado por The Fetzer Institute.
La película se estrenó en el Encuentro Mundial de Fetzer en Assisi, Italia el pasado 20 de septiembre. En México el documental se presentó por primera vez en el Foro Nacional de la Alianza Mexicana de Poblaciones Callejeras el pasado 16 de noviembre. En este evento participó uno de los protagonistas y habló acerca de la discriminación que sufren las poblaciones callejeras después de mostrar la película.

Fetzer Institute ( colabora con gente de todo el mundo para fomentar la conciencia de la fuerza del amor, el perdón y la compasión en nuestra comunidad global. Este documental fue producido sin fines de lucro con el propósito de promover un cambio de conciencia hacia las poblaciones callejeras, dándoles voz para compartir cómo el amor y el perdón han impacto sus vidas.

Tráiler de la película

Tags: ["Children on the streets", "living on the streets", "child poverty", "maginalised youth", "documentary films", "Mexico", "Brazil", "marginalisation", "youth", "adolescence", "child research", "qualitative data"]
Published Jan. 7, 2013 8:48 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:34 PM