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Research with Vulnerable Children: Two day research methods training workshop

Centre for Research on the Child and Family is putting together a two day research methods training workshop: Research with Vulnerable Children. 23rd –24th April 2013  

The Childwatch International key institution The Centre for Research on the Child and Family has a national and international reputation for innovative research with vulnerable children - for example:  child protection; children at risk of sexual exploitation; children in foster care, residential care and adoption; children and digital media; and adolescent offenders. Contributors to the workshop will be leading researchers in these fields, including Marian Brandon, Jeanette Cossar, Elsbeth Neil, Gillian Schofield, Jonathan Dickens, Jane Dodsworth, Laura Biggart, and Simon Hammond. This event will be an important opportunity for PhD students and researchers in universities and the voluntary sector, from any discipline and involved in any area of research with children, to hear from research experts and to share their research experiences and questions.

• Research questions and choice of methods for research with children
• Ethics of research with children, including informed consent
• Working with young researchers
• Engaging and interviewing children of all ages
• Analysis of children’s interview data
• Using digital media in research with children
• Using psychological measures with children and adolescents
• Combining quantitative and qualitative data e.g. to identify risk

Fees: £50 Registered PG students, £70 other researchers. This will include refreshments, lunches and dinner.  Numbers will be limited.
The workshop will begin at 11am on the 23rd April and end at 3.30pm on the 24th April. 

A poster presentation and wine reception will be held on the 23rd April, prior to the dinner. Overnight accommodation will need to be arranged by participants.

For enquiries, to register (registration form) and for a suggested accommodation list, please contact Hollie Peacock  Tel: 01603 592068.

Tags: ["workshop", "vulnerable children", "research with children", "child research", "research methods", "research ethics"]
Published Feb. 26, 2013 11:35 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:34 PM