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Published Oct. 29, 2012 11:46 AM

Representatives of MERCOSUR, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and of the Government of the Dominican Republic, alongside the Latin America and the Caribbean Movement for Children (MMI LAC) gathered in New York in an event organized with the SRSG on Violence against Children on protection of children from violence. The event was sponsored by the Governments of Brazil, Uruguay, Bahamas and the Dominican Republic and also counted on the participation of three young representatives of the Children's led organizations involved on the process of follow up to the UN Study in the Latin America region

Published Oct. 24, 2012 10:40 AM

David Howe’s new book examines what empathy is, why we have it and how it develops. He explores the important part empathy plays in child development and therapeutic work as well as its significance for how society organises itself. 

This cross-disciplinary text is suitable for students, trainees and practitioners in the fields of Counselling and Psychotherapy, as well as students of Social Work, Psychology, Childhood Studies, Nursing, Youth Work and Teaching.

Published Oct. 23, 2012 1:11 PM

The ESPANET Association and the IMPALLA (The International Master of Science in Social Policy Analysis) Programme organize in Luxembourg, a conference entitled “Building blocks for an inclusive society: empirical evidence from social policy research”,

Deadline for submission of papers: 16 November 2012

Place: Hotel Novotel-Kirchberg Luxembourg (G.D. of Luxembourg)

Date: 18- 20 April 2013


Published Oct. 23, 2012 12:18 PM

The economic, political, and social challenges facing the United States demand literacy skills that go well beyond the ability to recognize words and decode text. To attain adult success today young Americans must be able to use reading to gain access to the world of knowledge, to synthesize information from multiple sources, to evaluate arguments, and to explore in depth fields as disparate as history, science, and mathematics. To complicate the challenge, schools must not only better prepare students for these demands but also reduce sharp disparities in literacy outcomes between disadvantaged and privileged children. Low literacy levels among children from less advantaged families dramatically reduce the potential for upward mobility.

Published Oct. 23, 2012 11:29 AM


The book is about 93 young New Zealanders who grew up during the economic and social reforms of the 1980s and 1990s (often referred to as Rogernomics). Participants were interviewed in their final year of high school and again 12–18 months later. The book’s focus is the identity work of these young people. The book connects the stories of young people with the wider social and economic story of NZ during the last three decades. Young people’s own voices are woven together with theoretical analysis to show how participants worked and re-worked the possibilities, opportunities and constraints of their times.

Published Oct. 23, 2012 11:02 AM

As the world came together to commemorate the first International Day of the Girl Child, the Special Representative on Violence against Children, the Government of Angola and Plan International co-organized an interactive panel discussion on protecting children from harmful practices in plural legal systems, where national legislation is in place alongside customary and religious laws.

Published Oct. 23, 2012 10:53 AM

Young Lives Working Paper 83 - This paper investigates the possible impacts of the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) on children’s well-being and recommends child-focused social protection that goes beyond the PSNP. It draws on data from the Young Lives survey of 569 rural households and qualitative case studies of 32 households and children living in four rural communities in 2006 and 2009. 

Published Oct. 16, 2012 11:58 AM

The event was co-organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime  (UNODC), the Office of the High-Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and  the SRSG on Violence against Children, with the support of the Governments of Austria and Thailand.The three UN partners launched a report which was informed by the Expert Consultation on the prevention of and responses to violence against children within the juvenile justice system, held in January 2012 in Vienna.

Published Oct. 16, 2012 11:24 AM

Young Citizens: Experiences Of Participation In Latin America (Jovenes Ciudadanos: Experiencias De Participacion En America Latina) is a new book in Spanish edited by Graciela Tonon and Santiago Aragón, UNI-COM Faculty of Social Sciences of Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, Argentina.

The book is organized in seven chapters written by authors that are members of different Childwatch International key institutions of Latin America's network.

Published Oct. 15, 2012 10:53 AM


CROP and Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) organize this conference to explore ways in which poverty and social injustice are addressed by different religious actors and communities.

February 21-22, 2013 / Bergen, Norway

Deadline For Submission Of Paper Proposals: November 15, 2012

Visit the CROP webpage to read the Call for Papers document in full

Published Oct. 15, 2012 10:37 AM

PEPFAR has partnered with The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), South Africa to produce What's New in Research? - a monthly newsletter that will alert readers to new scientific publications. The newsletter focuses on relevant, evidence-based applied science about children affected by HIV and AIDS, policy research, tests of effectiveness, rigorous program evaluation, and cost analysis. What's New in Research? is an effort to make existing research more visible and accessible, and to encourage further research activities in the field of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Published Oct. 12, 2012 7:53 PM

This eleventh issue of The African Child E-Newsletter features an interview with Professor Asher Ben-Arieh, Director of the Haruv Institute. The Special of the Month feature is Achieving Child Friendly Justice in Africa. Includes other news on children's issues as well as information on upcoming events. For all the latest news and events go to

Published Oct. 10, 2012 11:02 AM

This volume focuses on the various aspects of teacher education which need to be addressed in order for the wider Millennium Goals to be achieved, but more importantly, so that each African child living within sub-Saharan Africa will have the right to a quality education. 

Of particular interest to the education researcher and policy maker, this volume’s contributors look at the various issues and challenges around the teacher profession, particularly in relation to resources and practices within sub-Saharan Africa. The contributors examine the issue of building research capacity for educational research within teacher education Colleges and explore the concept of education for sustainable development with the view to improving the development of quality teacher education within the global South. 

Published Oct. 10, 2012 10:48 AM


UN Women and UNICEF are very pleased to invite you to join this global consultation, supported by the Government of Denmark.  The aim of the consultation is to review progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in terms of major inequalities and to discuss the options for ensuring that these inequalities are effectively addressed in a new development framework after 2015


Published Oct. 10, 2012 10:33 AM

The Guiding Principles seek to provide for the first time a global standard in the fight against extreme poverty, focusing on the rights of people living in poverty...This is a practical tool for policy makers which will guide States in designing their public policies, particularly their poverty eradication efforts, based on a human rights approach

The Human Rights Council will now forward the Guiding Principles to the General Assembly for its consideration.


Published Oct. 8, 2012 11:19 AM

The Conference theme is  "Protecting Children in a Changing World" Delegates will have opportunities to discuss the current state of research and interventions on CAN in Europe and internationally, discuss new challenges and emerging topics and help shape national and international responses.

Date: September 15 2013

Place: Dublin, Ireland


Published Oct. 8, 2012 11:06 AM

The Digital Youth Symposium at the Science Gallery, Dublin on November 2nd (9.30 - 4.00pm) will be a major international research and policy event on children and the internet in Ireland. Keynote speakers from research, education and policy fields will debate: ·       Digital opportunities, digital literacy, inclusion and digital safety ·       Public and private sector support for educational and awareness raising initiatives ·       Ensuring digital strategy reflects best interests of children and young people

Published Oct. 3, 2012 1:02 PM

“Migrant Youths and Children of Migrants in a Globalized World,” the focus of the September volume of The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, looks at international child migration through the lens of child development.  With the backdrop of changing migration patterns, the researchers seek to identify policies and institutions that can ensure that children who migrate integrate and succeed in their new homes.

Published Sep. 25, 2012 12:21 PM

The European Social Network (ESN) will be organising its 21st annual conference next year in Dublin in cooperation with the Irish Presidency of the European Union. In preparation for this event, there is an open call for workshops. This is an opportunity to present for discussion innovative practice on a wide range of issues within the overall theme of the conference. Date: 17-19 June 2013 Place: Dublin

Deadline for proposals: Friday 7th December