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Published Feb. 7, 2012 2:00 PM

The “V World Congress for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, San Juan, Argentina 2012” shall focus on Childhood and Adolescence and the social changes processes involved: childhood as a possibility of change and emancipation and at the same time, the way in which childhood and adolescence are affected by these ongoing social changes.

Time and place: Oct 15, 2012 - Oct 19, 2012, San Juan de Puerto Rico, Argentina 

Deadline ABSTRACTS: 30 April 2012  

Published Feb. 7, 2012 12:09 PM

This book represents the engagement of Young Lives with researchers and debates in the field of children and development, reflecting on the first two rounds of Young Lives data coming from Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam, with supporting material from Tanzania and South Africa. Topics include the ethics of research, the long-term causes and consequences of childhood poverty, and the resilience and optimism shown by children and their families.

Published Feb. 2, 2012 10:51 AM

Children’s Services: Working Together brings together contributions from a number of authors in the field. The book covers policy, theory, research and practice relevant to students and professionals working with children in a wide range of roles. The emphasis on working collaboratively with other professionals, where appropriate, and the holistic approach to children make this a valuable resource to anyone working with children today.

Published Feb. 2, 2012 10:30 AM

The Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa  invites you to its first ever International Social Work Conference to be hosted in one of the most beautiful parts of Africa – the Ingwenyama Conference and Sport Resort, White River, South Africa.

Time and place: Oct 14 - 17, 2012, White River, South Africa

Abstract deadline : 31 May 2012  

Published Feb. 2, 2012 9:14 AM

The choice of the theme for the Fifth IPC was based on the growing interest in the adoption of children from Africa to other continents, and the ostensible lack of comprehensive regulation on the subject currently prevailing in the continent, which sometimes leads to discrepancies in the system, and abuse or exploitation of children. The situational analysis of intercountry adoption has not been comprehensively documented in Africa, creating a vacuum on the status of the system in the continent.

Time and place: May 29 - 30, 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 

Published Jan. 23, 2012 2:13 PM

Motivations for, and modes of migration are diverse and often overlapping: from voluntary labor migration to family migration to forced migration due to climate change, lack of food security, war, or ethnic and religious conflict. Common to all forms of migration, though, is that the economic, social and cultural relations in both sending and destination countries are altered as a result.

Deadline for submitting the application form is 15th February 2012.

Where and when: Bergen, Norway 20 - 22 June 2012

Published Jan. 23, 2012 1:20 PM

The 6th ESFR Congress will focus on the implications of contemporary social, cultural and economic changes, and the challenges these raise for family relations, family practices and family policy. We also invite contributors to reflect on the implication of these changes for research methods.

Time and place: Sep 26 - 29, 2012, Lillehammer, Norway   

NEW Deadline for submission of abstracts 15 March 2012

Published Jan. 23, 2012 11:52 AM

Immigration and schooling in the Republic of Ireland addresses the impact of recent rapid social and economic change on the education system. It provides detailed analysis and fascinating insights into the complex and varied responses of principals, teachers, parents and children to working in newly-multi ethnic schools. It highlights the key role played historically by education in shaping the ‘Irish’ nation and how this has governed responses to those who have come from the ‘outside’. 

Published Jan. 23, 2012 11:33 AM

The aim of the conference is to perceive and create futures through the eyes of today’s youth, adults and decision makers for the young people of the future. The course of a youth’s life, both today and toward the future, covers an entire spectrum of reality. Focusing on faith in young people, their ability and determination to build an inevitably different and in many ways an improved world for us all to live in is the focal point of this conference.

Time and place: Jun 6, - Jun 8, 2012, Turku, Finland

Deadline for abstracts: January 31, 2012

Published Jan. 9, 2012 9:23 AM

"Positive Experiences, Successful Outcomes for Looked After and other Vulnerable Children" is the focus of the 12th conference organised by European Scientific Association for Residential and Foster Care for Children and Adults (EUSARF)

When and Where: Sep 4 - Sep 7, 2012, Glasgow, Scotland

Opening Date for Abstract Submission: 31 January

Closing Date for Abstract Submission: 20 February

Published Dec. 8, 2011 1:30 PM

The European Sociological Association, Sociology of Children and Childhood Research Network is organising a Mid-term Symposium in June 18-20, 2012, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Please submit your abstract and full contact details as electronic files no later than the 28th February 2012.

Published Dec. 7, 2011 12:57 PM

The Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (MERG) is publishing a newsletter on a quarterly basis. MERG is requesting contributions presenting:

- Latest Updates in Child Protection M&E - Events in M&E and Child Protection - Training and Capacity Building Opportunities in Child Protection M&E - Job Postings in Child Protection M&E

Published Dec. 7, 2011 12:10 PM

Over the last 20 years or so childhood studies has grown significantly, especially within Europe and North America. However, although a number of theoretical and methodological publications have been produced situated within this field, very few of these studies focus on childhood in the global south. Instead, the majority of studies that focus on the global south have been empirical, often situated within theoretical frameworks that have been developed in the global North.

May 16, 2012, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Published Dec. 6, 2011 10:14 AM

"Good information is essential and can help us to understand how children and young people are developing, as well as assisting us in identifying the impacts of various policies and services on their lives. A more strategic approach to knowledge about children’s lives can also help us to identify the most effective ways to intervene in their lives and to ensure that this knowledge is used by those in a position to make changes."

Frances Fitzgerald, TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Ireland

Published Nov. 24, 2011 12:58 PM

Development Policy Review Volume 29, issue 5. This theme issue explores how the impacts of economic crises are transmitted to childrens experiences of poverty and well-being, and how these impacts can be mediated by the policy responses of international and national actors. The issue also considers what lessons can be derived from responses to past crises and the extent to which this learning is being applied.  

Published Nov. 24, 2011 11:33 AM

The first Biennial Anglia Ruskin Childhood and Youth Research Institute International Conference will be organised on 13th-14th September 2012 in Cambridge, UK. The Childhood and Youth Research Institute is a multi-disciplinary initiative, bringing together the diverse expertise of academics from a variety of scholarly backgrounds, all of whom share an interest in childhood and youth. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should be submitted by 29 February 2012.

Published Nov. 23, 2011 11:23 AM

Are you interested in childrens everyday lives and in childhood as a social and cultural phenomenon? Would you like to know about childrens lives in different parts of the world? What about the changing conditions of childhood in the era of globalisation? If so, the international masters programme in Childhood Studies might be perfect for you.

The preliminary application deadline for international students is 01 December 2011, and the final application deadline is 01 February 2012.