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Southern Africa Regional Symposium

In October 2004 the Childwatch International Research Network organized a regional symposium on Children living in circumstances of poverty and marginalization in southern Africa.

Participants at the symposium were researchers and NGO representatives from Malawi, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia with an interest in joining forces to improve the knowledge base of the situation for children in the region. Board members of the Childwatch International Board were also present, as were representatives of Key Institutions in other African regions. The symposium report is available in pdf version. 

The participants were encouraged to submit abstracts to the Childhoods 2005 Oslo conference, and several of the symposium participants presented their work at this event. The regional network is in its initial phase and will be further developed through including Southern African contacts in Childwatch's work on the African continent. 

For more information, contact the Childwatch International secretariat: childwatch [at]

Tags: ["Poverty", "Marginalisation", "Southern Africa"]
Published July 16, 2008 10:34 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:39 PM