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CFC DevInfo assessment and monitoring toolkit

IRC has partnered with DevInfo in the development of the CFC DevInfo assessment and monitoring toolkit. This is designed to help implementing countries automate database management on Child Friendly Cities (CFC). It is based on the CFC assessment toolkit and indicators developed through the CFC research initiative ( It comprises: (a) community assessment indicators (derived from the CFC community assessment tools) and (b) CFC objective indicators (derived from other administrative surveys). The toolkit consists of DevInfo templates and Data Capture sheets. The DevInfo templates and Data Capture sheets can be customized and managed by cities or countries that wish to collect data on children's living conditions and child well-being in local settings.

The templates can be accessed and edited using the DevInfo Database Administration application. The CFC assessment data is entered in the Data Capture sheets. These sheets are imported into the DevInfo template to create a CFC DevInfo database. The DevInfo database can be used to search, present and report the CFC data using the DevInfo User Interface application. 

You may download:
- The Devinfo templates (you will need a DevInfo application)
- The Data Capture sheets

You are invited to visit the DevInfo official website to obtain more details and download the DevInfo applications.

To get training and assistance for the implementation of these templates, you may request the services of Devinfo at


  1. CFC DevInfo Global Assessment Indicators 
    Authors: DevInfo 
    DevInfo application 
    Uploaded By: Rubi Maria 
  2. CFC DevInfo Global Objective Indicators 
    Authors: DevInfo 
    DevInfo application 
    Uploaded By: Rubi Maria 
  3. CFC Global Data Capture - Play 
    Authors: DevInfo 
    Excel File 
    Uploaded By: Rubi Maria 
  4. CFC Global Data Capture - Participation and Citizenship 
    Authors: DevInfo 
    Excel File 
    Uploaded By: Rubi Maria 
  5. CFC Global Data Capture - Safety and Protection 
    Authors: DevInfo 
    Excel File 
    Uploaded By: Rubi Maria 
  6. CFC Global Data Capture - Health and Social Services 
    Authors: DevInfo 
    Excel File 
    Uploaded By: Rubi Maria 
  7. CFC Global Data Capture - Educational Resources 
    Authors: DevInfo 
    Excel File 
    Uploaded By: Rubi Maria 
  8. CFC Global Data Capture - Home Environment 
    Authors: DevInfo 
    Excel File 
    Uploaded By: Rubi Maria 
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Published July 25, 2012 3:58 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:42 PM