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Children and the Law 2008


The Childwatch Children and the Law project was initiated as a Thematic Group in 2006. In 2007 it set out a project to investigate how children’s rights are respected in laws across different countries who are members of the Childwatch Network.


The thematic group on Children and the Law are planning the following activities and outcomes in 2008: 1) publicising the Children and the Law study group throughout the Childwatch International Research Network to enable all Key Institutions (not just those who completed the initial questionnaire) to express interest in being part of the study group; 2) liaising further with the Innocenti Research Centre and the Childwatch Secretariat to ascertain how best to co-operate in the development of research on topics of shared concern relating to children's legal status; 3) convening a meeting in May 2008 with study group representatives (especially those from the Majority World), Childwatch International and Innocenti Research Center to discuss areas of mutual interest and to plan a project which builds on the findings of our 2007 survey of Key Intitutions and gives effect to furthering the partnership agreement between the Innocenti Research Center and Childwatch International. It is expected that the comparative project which is developed will comprise policy, research literature, and empirical components. Care will be taken to ensure the study group emphasises the participation of children and young people in the development and implementation of all stages of the research project; fairly reflects the diverse range of Key Institutions which have already expressed interest in such a study group; invites the input and participation of all other Key Institutions; and looks to build research capacity on this topic internationally.



Dr Nicola Taylor, Children’s Issues Centre (CIC), University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand,

nicola.taylor (at)


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Published July 16, 2008 3:41 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:43 PM