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Publications - Page 13

Published July 4, 2008 3:01 PM

The aim of CODESRIA quarterly Bulletin is to stimulate discussion, exchange information and encourage research cooperation among African researchers. Contributions on theoretical matters, reports on conferences and seminars are welcome. It is distributed free of charge to all social science research institutes and faculties in Africa. Interested individuals and institutions can also subscribe.

Published July 4, 2008 2:13 PM

Family Matters is the research journal of the Australian Institute of Family Studies. It contains the latest Institute research and contributions from Australia's most respected social scientists, social policy analysts, service provider and research agencies.

Link to the publisher

Published July 4, 2008 1:01 PM

Early Childhood Matters is a journal about early childhood that looks specifically at issues regarding the development of young children from a particularly psychosocial perspective.  

Published July 4, 2008 12:36 PM

Young Lives is an international study of childhood poverty tracking the changing lives of 12,000 children in Ethiopia, India (in the state of Andhra Pradesh), Peru and Vietnam over a 15-year period. This is the timeframe set by the UN to assess progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. Through interviews, group work and case studies with the children, their parents, teachers, community representatives and others, we are collecting a wealth of information not only about their material and social circumstances, but also their perspectives on their lives and aspirations for the futures, set against the environmental and social realities of their communities.

Published July 4, 2008 12:07 PM

Early Childhood in Focus is a toolkit for child rights advocates. By setting out clear messages emerging from academic research, it serves to inform, encourage, and provide leverage for successful rights-based policy advocacy on behalf of young children..

Published July 4, 2008 11:25 AM

Niñez y Juventud: Dislocaciones y Mudanzas  is a continuation of the debates and discussions initiated at the III Latin American Network Conference of July 2006  “Childhood and Youth: Dislocations and  Changes".  It is a publication by Programa Infancia based at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

Published July 2, 2008 7:12 PM

Adolescents and Audi-visual Media in Five Countries is an international research project. It analizes general descriptive results of questionaires from both adolescents and their parents in five countries: Brazil, India, Norway, South Africa and Spain.

Published July 2, 2008 6:51 PM

The book reports on the findings of a study of 40 homeless young people in Dublin city documenting their journeys "into" homelessness and experiences and events subsequent to them becoming homeless. It outlines the services and interventions designed to meet the needs of homeless youth in an Irish context.