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Publications - Page 5

Published Dec. 18, 2012 8:58 PM

Modelo Interinstitucional de Atención a Víctimas de Trata de Personas: Propuesta de contenido de un modelo interinstitucional de atención a víctimas de trata de personas, a partir de los conocimientos y la experiencia de prestadores de servicios publicada por La Fundación Renacer I.A.P. derivado del proyecto: Elaboración de un modelo institucional de atención a víctimas de trata de personas, recatando la labor de la sociedad civil y fundamentándolo con estudios científicos.

Published Dec. 18, 2012 8:40 PM

International Models of Child Participation in Family Law Proceedings following Parental Separation / Divorce published in the International Journal of Children’s Rights 20 (2012) 645–673.

This article reports on the findings of a 2009 survey conducted under the auspices of the Childwatch International Research Network about how children’s participation rights, as set out in Articles 12 and 13 of the UNCRC, are respected in private family law proceedings internationally.  

Published Dec. 17, 2012 10:24 AM

The South African Child Gauge is the only publication in the country that provides an annual snap-shot of the status of South Africa’s children.

It is published by the Childwatch key institute: Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town. The publication tracks South Africa’s progress towards realising children’s rights.

The 2012 issue focuses on the theme 'Children and inequality: closing the gap'.

Published Dec. 4, 2012 2:39 PM

The aim of the publication is to provide children and youth in Asia a platform to report on progress made towards these commitments from their own point of view. It documents the perspective of children from seven Asia countries on how disasters and climate change affects their lives and their rights. The report also supports the implementation of the Children's Charter for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Published Dec. 4, 2012 12:48 PM

Working Paper 85 presents children’s experiences and perceptions of poverty. It draws on survey and qualitative data from the Young Lives study of poor children in Ethiopia. Through group exercises, discussions and interviews, children and young people aged 13-17 collectively and individually provided their perceptions of the causes, indicators and consequences of poverty in their communities.

Published Nov. 30, 2012 2:45 PM

The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s 2012 KIDS COUNT® Data Book shows both promising progress and discouraging setbacks for the U.S.'s children: While their academic achievement and health improved in most states, their economic well-being continued to decline. This year’s Data Book uses an updated index of 16 indicators of child well-being, organized into four categories: Economic Well-Being, Health, Education, and Family and Community. The new methodology reflects the tremendous advances in child development research since the first KIDS COUNT Data Book in 1990.

Published Nov. 20, 2012 2:21 PM

This report reviews recent trends in international migration, describing the size of current foreign-born populations across countries and analysing factors associated to the size and nature of these populations, reviews a set of important differences and similarities across educational systems and gives a brief description of population sizes across countries. Download the book online.

Published Nov. 20, 2012 12:37 PM

There has been growing interest in researching the dynamics of poverty, including poverty mobility. Looking at change over time and what caused this change can provide useful information for policymakers and those who seek to influence them. Young Lives makes use of the three rounds of survey data and of qualitative data from sub-sample children. The focus in this paper is tribal households not conforming to the general trend of upward mobility. It locates these households, analyses their characteristics, and identifies the factors that cause the downward mobility of certain households. 

Published Nov. 20, 2012 12:37 PM

This Young Lives paper is a contribution to the global thematic consultation Addressing inequalities within the post-2015 development agenda which is being co-organised by UNICEF and UN Women. Failure to fully integrate equality principles is recognised as major limitation of the Millennium Development Goals, and neglect of inequalities has also detracted from the progress made in many areas. The paper draws attention to the many ways that inequality impacts on children’s experience of growing up.

Published Nov. 20, 2012 12:34 PM

"Because we are sisters and brothers" describes the most important outcomes of research activities and documentations about sibling relations in alternative care from five different countries: The SOS Children's Villages associations in Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Spain have worked on the topic and together they developed the articles and recommendations in this publication.

Published Nov. 20, 2012 12:33 PM

The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth is a global forum for South-South dialogue on innovative development policies as a result of a partnership between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of Brazil. Their work as a global centre consists of the production and dissemination of comparative studies based on successful inclusive growth public policies in the developing world. Recent focus is given to the Emerging Economies and South-South Cooperation. More information on IPC-IG is available at:


Published Nov. 16, 2012 3:37 PM

The Childwatch International Research Network disseminates every month an online newsletter with the latest news on child research; publications, news, conferences, events, including the latest news from our Key Institutions. 

Childwatch International links local, regional and national research efforts to an international research based knowledge, practice and policy on children’s issues. If you have any information regarding child research you would like added to our newsletter, please send us an email: with the subject: Newsletter item

Published Nov. 9, 2012 11:55 AM

This paper explores some of the factors which impede and promote public sector responsibilities towards children. The purpose of this analysis is to seek methods of assessing the performance of governments in their roles as protectors of the rights of children according to their international commitments. The multiplicity of actors involved in the process is described and the related problems for cooperation and effective implementation considered.

Published Nov. 8, 2012 3:47 PM

Sebastián J. Lipina and Michael I. Posner argue that a child ’s reaction to stress is an important factor in success in school and our understanding of the stress reaction may also guide us in analyzing other brain systems more directly involved in schooling.

Published Oct. 30, 2012 12:03 PM


The recently published literature review from the CP MERG Technical Working Group (TWG) on Data Collection on Violence against Children (VAC) aims to capture current thinking on ethical issues and provide empirical support to guide recommendations for ethical research practice and decision-making in collecting data on VAC. The review examines documentation, including both published and ‘grey’ literature that is of specific relevance to research ethics in collecting data on VAC.

Published Oct. 29, 2012 1:07 PM

The links between climate change and disasters in South Asia, such as flooding in Pakistan or cyclones in Bangladesh, are increasingly evident. However, there is little recognition of the potentially life-long impact of climate change and related disasters on the wellbeing of the region’s children. In a region that accounts for more than one quarter of the world’s children, with 614 million children under 18, girls and boys must receive greater priority in measures to respond to disasters and in disaster risk reduction planning. 

Overseas Development Institute published this project briefing. This and other ODI Project Briefings are available from