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Asia Pacific Regional Network Launches Book on Children's Participation

The Childwatch International Asia Pacific Regional Network has been exploring concepts of children's participation in the region through a collaboartive research project in Australia, China, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka. The results are available in the recently published book "Children’s Participation? Learning from Children and Adults in the Asia-Pacific Region", edited by Jan Mason, Natalie Bolzan and Anil Kumar.    

"Children's Participation? Learning from Children and Adults in the Asia-Pacific Region"

"Children's Participation? Learning from Children and Adults in the Asia-Pacific Region" is the result of collaboration between five countries in the Asia Pacific Region, resulting from a research collaboration initiated in relation with the Childhoods 2005 conference.

The book explores the socio-cultural context of children’s participation in the five countries, in response to the obligations on these countries, as signatories to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. While the legal mandating of participation has significant implications for children’s lives and adult-child relations, research in this area has been limited, particularly cross culturally.

For more information about the book, and to order a hard copy or electronic copy, visit the publisher The Social Sciences

For more information about the collaborative research, see the web site of the Asia Pacific Regional Network



Tags: ["participation", "children's rights", "Asia and the Pacific region", "publication"]
Published Oct. 19, 2010 10:40 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:46 PM