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New Book: Changing Lives in Andhra Pradesh: Young Lives Children Growing Up

This new book charts the lives and aspirations of 13 of the Young Lives children in India. Their stories tell a fascinating tale of how children in Andhra Pradesh see their lives and give us a unique insight into how their lives are changing as they are growing up. Authors: Uma Vennam and Piyali Sarkar


The children reveal what they think it means to be poor or rich, how they see their families, friends and communities, the importance of education, what is different between their generation and the previous one, and their dreams for the future. Their stories are accompanied by themed boxes that give more detail on the context in which the children are living.

The profiles show the children to be hard-working, resilient and adaptable. Much of what they say is very relevant to those making policy on poverty and children. We will continue to follow them as they go through school, grow into adults and face the challenges of marriage, parenthood, and earning a living in a constantly changing world.

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Tags: child poverty, book, India, family life, child profiles, publication, young lives
Published June 4, 2013 12:08 AM