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Childwatch International Newsletter - January/February 2013 Issue

The Childwatch International Research Network disseminates every month an online newsletter with the latest news on child research; publications, news, conferences, events, including the latest news from our Key Institutions. 

Childwatch International links local, regional and national research efforts to an international research based knowledge, practice and policy on children’s issues. If you have any information regarding child research you would like added to our newsletter, please send us an email: with the subject: Newsletter item.

January/ February Issue

Items of Interest

  • ENOC releases a position paper on the consequences of the economic crisis on ICRIs: The General Assembly of ENOC, meeting in October in Cyprus, agreed to on the terms of a common position statement on the negative consequences of the economic crisis on the level of protection and promotion of children's rights in the different jurisdictions within ENOC in general and more specifically on the impact of the crisis on Independent Children's Rights Institution (ICRIs). Read more...



New Research Guides and Tools:


Calls for Abstracts/Papers/Proposals:

  • KEKI Children's Rights Database: Calls for Projects: In order to disseminate knowledge on children's rights  between researchers, policy makers and practitioners, KeKi develops a children's rights database, consisting of a legal instruments database, a Flemish research database and a publications database. The legal instruments database, containing legal instruments and important policy documents at the international, regional, Belgian and Flemish level, was launched on November 20th 2011, as a contribution to the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Read more...
  • Call for Papers: The future of youth sport and youth sport policy: Submit your research to the forthcoming special issue on The future of youth sport and youth sport policy, to be published in International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 22nd March 2013. Deadline for submission of papers: 30th November 2013. Paper length: Between 8,000 and 10,000 words including references. Read more...



  • Special Issue Call for Papers: Education, Childhood and Disability in Countries of the South: Re-positioning the Debates: There are greater numbers of people with disabilities living in developing economies in comparison to the developed, and in both these settings, those living in poverty are disproportionately represented amongst the world’s poor. Youth with disabilities are generally unemployed and live far below the poverty line. Education as a pathway of moving out of poverty has long been acknowledged.This special issue will explore ways in which the goal of quality education for children and youth (up to 18 years) with disabilities is grounded in the normative, socio-cultural, political and economic realities of Southern countries. Final deadline for receipt of papers is 1 May 2013. Read more...


  • International Conference on Inclusive Education: The first International Conference on Inclusive Education under the banner of Asian Centre for Inclusive Education (ACIE) will be held in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. ACIE is a joint initiative of some academics, scholars and researchers of universities and professional bodies in the Asian region. Its prime objective is to improve access to high quality education of disadvantaged children in Asian countries. Date: 15 February 2013 to 17 February 2013. Place: Asian Centre for Inclusive Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Read more...






  • New Book from Young Lives: What Inequality Means for Children: Evidence from Young Lives: Understanding how poverty and inequalities affect children is central to understanding the impact of the MDGs and development of the post-2015 agenda. What Inequality Means for Children: Evidence from Young Lives, by Martin Woodhead, Paul Dornan and Helen Murray, draws together research from across the Young Lives longitudinal study of child poverty to answer questions about how inequality shapes children’s development. Read more...

Research Reports

  • EU Kids Online - New Report! In their own words: What bothers children online? New report launched on Safer Internet Day 2013 (Tuesday 5 February) by the EU Kids Online project. Nearly 10,000 children between 9-16 years old from 25 European countries were surveyed for the report, and were asked ‘What things on the internet would bother people about your age?’. The report presents, for the first time, a detailed analysis of how children view the risks associated to the online world ‘in their own words’. Read more...
  • Children and young people across Europe take action to end violence in custody: A report published on January 28 2013 by the Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE) presents the campaigning activities undertaken by forty children and young people in Austria, Cyprus, England, the Netherlands and Romania to try and create violence-free youth custodial settings in their countries.   The campaigning activities were carried out as part of CRAE’s Ending Violence against Children in Custody project, funded by the European Commission’s Daphne III programme. The youth-led campaigns in each country were based on the recommendations developed by young researchers in the first phase of the project. Read more...
  • What's new in research? A review of recent research in the field of children affected by HIV and Aids: This month’s review includes an important paper about the survival and development of children born into families affected by HIV (Chen et al, 2012), the importance of social and psychological support to HIV-affected parents for the survival of their children (Ruton et al, 2012), and issues related to children’s rights (Cheny, 2013) and child participation (Farmer et al, 2013), and care and support for orphaned children (Shibuya & Taylor, 2013; Zapata et al, 2013). Read more...

Policy Briefs:


Working Papers:

Online Debates and Events:



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Published Feb. 4, 2013 4:20 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:50 PM